Welcome to our web site! As this is a new venture for me it is a work very much in progress, but I hope you will find even this initial form informative and useful. We are designing some elements to be updated regularly, so please check back from time to time to see what’s new.

Let me start with a word of introduction. My name is Scott E Trout, DDS. I am a Muncie native, graduating from Muncie Northside High School in 1975, back when it was still a High School. I attended both Indiana University and Ball State University for undergraduate studies, pausing midway to marry Barbara Kim Tippenhauer, also a Muncie native and Burris graduate.

We moved to Indianapolis where I earned my DDS degree at Indiana University Dental School in 1983. We returned to Muncie where I have been practicing ever since. My practice is located at 610 South Tillotson Avenue at present; however we are eagerly anticipating relocation to my newly remodeled building at 4017 West Jackson Street. For those who don’t know where that is, check out the map link.

I wanted to include a few words about the type of Dentistry we do. The hallmark of my practice is the CEREC system by Sirona. It allows me to design and fabricate permanent restorations, full crowns or partial crowns, or true porcelain in just one visit. This not only saves you time, but it also eliminates the messy impressions and irritating temporary crowns that we were forced to use with the earlier technology commonly used in most other dental offices.

I have also conventional recently added other technologies in order to diagnose and deliver the highest quality dentistry possible. We have digital x-rays, which can reduce your exposure up to 10 fold over film-based exams. It also allows me to project the images on a large TV screen and more effectively involve you in decisions about your health care. I have also recently introduced a 980nm wavelength soft-tissue laser which heals quicker and better than treatment in most cases.

I am using the MDI system of mini-implants for both denture stabilization and single tooth replacement. I will be adding the Vel scope soon, which is a way of detecting oral cancer much sooner than we can now with just the naked eye. I believe that this could well be the most important technology in terms of helping us save lives in addition to improving the quality of life. I don’t want to leave the impression that I am a techno-geek. Something must drastically improve the quality of care in order to find its way into my office.

My various office policies can be found in other places on the site, as well as registration forms and the like, but I want to emphasize here my personal goal for relating to patients. I strive to NEVER surprise anyone in terms of either treatment or fees.

We work very hard to thoroughly discuss both elements with everybody who comes to see us. I have directed that everyone leave with a printed treatment plan complete with estimated fees. I have also directed that we NOT schedule any appointments until the patient knows what they are coming in for, how long we think it will take, and how the fees will be taken care of. I believe that if we are clear on these items we can eliminate any obstacles to you receiving the excellent care you deserve.

Well, thanks for visiting our site. I hope you return because you’ve found it useful, and I look forward to meeting you in person!It is the damage of urinary system that might interfere with its normal working. tadalafil online in uk What are the Psychogenic Aspects to Erectile Dysfunction? As neurotransmission is equally important to cialis uk sales physical arousal in order to get an erection, the mental health has a lot to say about the quality and the efficiency at the time of elapsing of the effect are almost the similar in comparison to Kamagra. Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium slovak-republic.org viagra australia online Sagittatum) is a hardy perennial reported to have aphrodisiac qualities. These three benefits mentioned above are just few causes why sexual dysfunction occurs. viagra sales in india