This is the first of what should be years of semi-regular entries about the life and times of the office of Scott E Trout DDS.

We are in the thick of finalizing plans for the remodeling of the building at 4017 W Jackson Street and our relocation in a few short months. Look for some of our exterior work, which will include a wide, sweeping entrance ramp complete with native landscaping, built around a stream and pond.

Inside you will find seven new treatment rooms that will accommodate the latest technologies we have incorporated to deliver the excellent care you have come to expect from us in faster or more complete ways than we could in the existing facility.

Previews of coming attractions includes the acquisition if the Velscope device. I first heard of this device in a continuing ed seminar for the laser I bought last November, and it sounded like something that could revolutionize the early detection of oral cancer which is currently the #6 most deadly cancer, ahead of breast and prostate cancers but rarely talked about even among the American Cancer Society publications.

After attending a few programs on this device I have decided to add it to the list of technologies that I have purchased to serve you in a more comprehensive manner. I never like giving anyone bad news, but I look forward to diagnosing my next lesion at a point where it’s much more likely that the treatment will eliminate the cancer.Instead of needing to go to a local class, depending on someone for a ride and working around generic cialis viagra somebody else’s schedule, you’ll be able to complete your learning and obtain the license. Besides, pfizer viagra cheap not offer protection for sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV so users should take this anti-impotency drug as advised by their doctors. In this type buy brand cialis of situation impotence isn’t usually a lasting problem. These pills are meant to cure all types viagra 100mg pills of erectile dysfunction (ED).